Respect for people, animals and nature

Respect is an important fundamental value in Belgium. You must respect the law, other people, animals and property.

Similarities and differences

Belgium expects that you respect the fundamental values and rights which we have in common. Belgium also expects that you respect differences: people have different lifestyles, eating cultures, clothing, religion.

Respect for the law

Everyone is obliged to know the law in Belgium and abide by it.

Respect for people (adults and children)

  • You cannot harm others (physical, emotional, psychological, and sexual violence are illegal).
  • You cannot exclude others (discrimination and racism are illegal).
  • Respect the sleeping hours of others (it is prohibited to make noise at night).
  • Respect the privacy of others (you cannot take photos of people and share them without consent).
  • Show respect for each other (give up your seat on the bus for pregnant women or elderly people).
  • Show respect and arrive on time if you have an appointment.

Respect for animals and property

  • You cannot damage or destroy the property or buildings of others.
  • Animals must be looked after (water, food, shelter) and you cannot use violence against them.
  • Do not dispose of waste on public roads, but in the waste bin.
  • Respect the private property of others. You cannot urinate, dispose of rubbish, pick flowers or eat in another person's garden.