Taking the train, tram or bus

In Belgium, you can easily travel by train, tram or bus. Always purchase a ticket before boarding.

How do you know which train, tram or bus to take?

  • For long distances, or between cities: take the train
  • For short distances: take the bus
  • In Brussels: take the metro, tram or bus

Make sure you have a valid ticket before boarding. Fines for travelling without a ticket are very high in Belgium (up to €500). 

Buying a train ticket

Where can you buy a ticket?

You can buy a ticket at

  • an automatic ticket machine
  •  a ticket office in the stations
  • via the website

On the bus or tram, you can also pay contactless.

You must validate your ticket! Are you travelling by tram, bus or metro? Scan your ticket every time you enter a metro, tram, bus or metro station.

There is a good chance that you will be checked.

You are staying in a reception centre

If you are an asylum seeker residing in a reception centre, you can request a free ticket from your social worker for the following reasons:

  • You need to go to an appointment for your asylum application (interview)
  • You are looking for a place to stay
  • You are following a training course
  • You have a medical appointment

A travel pass for te bus

If you live in Flanders, your social worker can suggest that you buy a travel pass for 1 year, for a small amount. This is much cheaper than buying multiple tickets. In Flanders, as an asylum seeker, you get a reduction on a travel pass. In Wallonia you do not get a reduction on a travel pass.

Calculate your journey

There are various apps to calculate your journey. They also show you which bus, tram or train to take.