Extended reception and return options

Asylum seekers who have received a negative decision can still stay in reception for 30 days to prepare their departure from Belgium.

If you receive a negative decision and have to leave Belgium, Fedasil will invite you to go to a reception centre where you will receive information on returning to your country. This Fedasil centre is the only place where you can still get reception and assistance.

30 days

The reception in this new Fedasil centre lasts a maximum of 30 days. It is an open centre, and you can freely come and go.

In the centre, a Fedasil official gives you all the information you need about voluntary return to your country. They explain how Fedasil can help you return to your country.

If you choose to return to your country, you are free to change your mind until the last moment and decide not to leave. If you decide to return to your country, you will stay in the centre until the time of your departure.

In the centre, an official from the Immigration Office is present to follow up your case. After 30 days in the centre, if you do not choose voluntary return and do not leave the centre, the Immigration Office may force you to leave Belgium (forced return).